Cleansing deals with what happens when sexual sin occurs as a victim, partner or perpetrator. There is a special connection that occurs that only God can break and there is a special spiritual condition that does not go away with time unless God intervenes. Even though sexual sin creates lasting effects, God can nullify them and bring healing. When rightly handled in prayer there is no need to cope or survive as a life pattern.
Cleansing deals with what happens when sexual sin occurs as a victim, partner or perpetrator. There is a special connection that occurs that only God can break and there is a special spiritual condition that does not go away with time unless God intervenes. Even though sexual sin creates lasting effects, God can nullify them and bring healing. When rightly handled in prayer there is no need to cope or survive as a life pattern.
Cleansing deals with what happens when sexual sin occurs as a victim, partner or perpetrator. There is a special connection that occurs that only God can break and there is a special spiritual condition that does not go away with time unless God intervenes. Even though sexual sin creates lasting effects, God can nullify them and bring healing. When rightly handled in prayer there is no need to cope or survive as a life pattern.
Table of Contents
Hope for the Hopeless
The Prayer Circle
Resolution: Forgiveness
Resolution: Purity
Resolution: Bonds
Patterns for Prayer Counseling
The Priesthood
The Non-Christian